Download the digital version of the book "Women in times of hope, crisis and pandemic"

Submitted by sandra.gomez on Wed, 04/21/2021 - 03:50
libro mujeres

The digital version of the book "Women in times of hope, crisis and pandemic" is now available to all citizens, published by the Department of Studies, Extension and Publications of the Library of the National Congress of Chile (BCN), launched last March 8 in the framework of the commemoration of International Women's Day.

Cedenna's Director, Dora Altbir, participates in the publication, who points out that at this stage, “technology has put its efforts into building better and better solutions for today's problems. This work of the scientific and technological community of which Cedenna is part, makes us feel proud, as well as very challenged ”.

Download the book here.



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Autora: R. Abarca, Cedenna.