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About Cedenna
About the Center
Mission and vision
Área Ejecutiva
Comunicaciones y Asuntos Públicos
Ingenieros (as)
Area Administrativa
Scientific Research
Research groups
Publications 2020
Publications 2021
Publications 2022
Publicaciones 2023
Publicaciones 2024
Cedenna Services
Technology and Innovation
Patente Alimentos
Patentes Medicina y Cosmética
Patentes Medio Ambiente
Otras Patentes
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Cedenna in the media
Nanonews magazine
Talks and seminars
National Video Contest Chilean Women in Sciences
Partners and Alliances
Cedenna in the media
Nanotechnology, drones and fireworks: The art of lighting up the future
Chilean agriculture adapts to climate change with nanotechnology
INN accreditation positions CEDENNA as a benchmark in the measurement of nanomaterial toxicity
INN accreditation positions Cedenna as a benchmark in the measurement of nanomaterial toxicity
Participate in the webinar launching the course “Nanotechnology for Doctors in Chile”
Nanotechnology: The invisible thread behind the magic of Christmas
Nanotechnology applied to construction and energy
Nanotechnology: A small world, big solutions
Outstanding participation in "Nanos a la Obra": Two National Awards explore the future of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
National History Prize 2024, Dr. César Ross gives a talk to Campus students
Nanotechnology Day: How to achieve great solutions from the nanometric scale
"Nanos a la Obra" premieres sixth chapter of CEDENNA and Cooperativa Ciencia
National Prize for Natural Sciences 2024 gave a conference on clean energies
The challenge of nanotechnology in Chile to protect health and the environment
The contribution of nanobiofungicides to agriculture
How does nanotechnology contribute to food safety?
"Nanos a la Obra" premieres fifth chapter of CEDENNA and Cooperativa Ciencia
The value of nanotechnology in mining development
"Nanos a la Obra": New CEDENNA and Radio Cooperativa Ciencia program premiered
A tribute to mining work from the nanoworld
Minister Aisén Etcheverry highlighted the work of CEDENNA
"Nanos a la Obra" premieres second program on CEDENNA and Radio Cooperativa Ciencia
"Nanos a la Obra" premieres third program of CEDENNA and Radio Cooperativa Ciencia
"Nanos a la Obra" launches fourth chapter of CEDENNA and Cooperativa Ciencia
A tribute to mining work from the nanoworld
The nanotechnology revolution in medicine
Nanotechnology: Ally in the fight against climate change
Challenging the panorama: Innovation and creativity in Chile
TVN Highlights Creation of Nanoparticles to Improve Organic Pesticides
Innovative Plant-Based Nanoparticles Developed
CEDENNA Scientists Create Nanoencapsulated Fungicides to Improve Fruit Tree Production.
Plant nanoparticles developed in Chile open new horizons in agriculture and health
Pronano 2024: Educación en nanociencia y nanotecnología al alcance de docentes de todo Chile
Teachers learned how to make their own nanoparticles at ProNano 2024
Tech farmers: They promote sales via cell phone and include pest control with nanotechnology
SNA appreciates the invitation to the First Nanotechnology Fair for Agriculture
Successful First Nanotechnology Fair for Agriculture: sector leaders, scientists and companies come together to promote innovation
Nanotechnology at the service of Chilean teachers
First Nanotechnology Fair for Agriculture: Chile, from agri-food power to eco-food power
Opinion Column: Pronano 2024: CEDENNA's contribution to Chilean education
The new challenges of the nano world
CEDENNA researcher, Dr. Gustavo Zúñiga, interviewed on "Rockstars" by TXSPlus
Nanotechnology: Revolutionizing inclusion and sports performance
Column by Dr. Juan Escrig: Nanotechnology and sport, the innovative fusion in Santiago 2023
Chilean scientists develop nanotechnological concrete
Dr. Patricia Díaz interviewed on the "Rockstars" program
Nanoscience at the 2023 Science Festival in Las Vizcachas
“Images of the Nanoworld” exhibition begins its tour of Chile at the University of Tarapacá
Director of CEDENNA gave a Master Talk on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at the U. Tarapacá
Strengthen small national mining, the role of CEDENNA
Column by Dr. Roberto Lavín: The cement of the future will make stoves obsolete
The plans of the new director of CEDENNA to reach more industries and have national reach
Radio Cooperativa Ciencia interviews Dr. Patricia Díaz about innovative cancer treatment
Magnetic nanoparticles: CEDENNA aims to revolutionize cancer treatment
Magnetic Nanoparticles Treat Cancer through Hyperthermia, Without Causing Damage to Healthy Tissues
Column by Dr. María José Galotto: Nanotechnology, a viable strategy to address the plastic pollution crisis
Innovative treatment with magnetic nanoparticles developed at CEDENNA
CEDENNA signed an important agreement with the German company Kipu Quantum
CEDENNA researcher recognized as an international leader in the field of crystal engineering
Interview with Dr. Miguel Kiwi in El Mostrador: "Scientific advances are unstoppable"
Dr. Kiwi in an entertaining interview with Vicente in the "Award Collector"
"Award Collector" toured CEDENNA with Dr. Dora Altbir
CEDENNA signs an important agreement with a German company to promote research in quantum computing in Chile
Digital quantum computing gains momentum with agreement between Chilean researchers and German company Kipu Quantum
Nanotechnology: Innovative solutions for Chilean mining
Discovering the potential of Chilean nanotechnology, a link between science and business
Beyond medicine: Chilean nanotech solutions focus on cosmetics, food, construction and mining
Plastics in Soils: up to four times more than in the sea
Nanotechnology Fair 2023 in Chile: An epic meeting of science and companies
Business leaders learned about Cedenna's “Made In Chile” nanotechnology
Rare earths: a strategic opportunity for Chile
Column by Walter Cañón Mancisidor: Rare earths, a strategic opportunity for Chile
Science deserves a chance
Column by Dora Altbir Drullinsky: Science deserves a chance
"ProNano", its north is the classroom: Teachers from Santiago and regions learn nanotechnology
Business Actors Meet to Validate UDP Technology - CEDENNA About Nanotechnology and Construction
Exhibition "Images of the Nanomundo"
Traveling Exhibition "Images of the Nano World" arrived at the Metro Bellas Artes station
Discover the surprising world of nanoscience and nanotechnology in the exhibition "Images of the Nanomundo"
Director of CEDENNA in T13 account of Expo Images of the Nanomundo
CEDENNA Center inaugurated exhibition "Images of the Nanomundo"
Sensor to detect pesticides CEDENNA-INIA
At CEDENNA, the Minister of Agriculture learned about nanotechnological applications such as pesticide sensors to improve agricultural production
Science against cancer: the future in a cup of coffee - Diario USACH.CL
Scientific frauds by Dr. Eugenio Vogel - El Mercurio
Nanotechnology and R&D: the keys to visiting the CEDENNA center 25/11/2022
ProNano: Unique initiative in Chile for training in nanoscience and nanotechnology 13/10/2022
The millionaire impact of nanotechnology in mining
Welcome ITER!
TV program "Futuro 360 (CNN)" highlights the program OPEN LAB CEDENNA
Chilean scientists identify key substances to better combat covid-19
Nanotechnology to detect pesticides in fruits and vegetables
Nanotechnology at the service of the Mining Industry 04/11/2022
Dora Altbir was awarded with National Prize for Exact Sciences 2019., 23-09-21
Nanoseguridad, Diario Financiero 01-06-21
Cedenna in the media
Nanoscience Photos
About Cedenna
About the Center
Mission and vision
Área Ejecutiva
Comunicaciones y Asuntos Públicos
Ingenieros (as)
Area Administrativa
Scientific Research
Research groups
Technological Projects Development Group
Grupo de Investigación en Nanobiomedicina
Grupo de Investigación en Nanoestructuras Magnéticas
Grupo de Investigación en Nanoseguridad
Grupo de Investigación en Química de Nanoestructuras
Grupo de Investigación en Simulaciones
Grupo de Investigación en Tecnología de Envases
Publications 2020
Publications 2021
Publications 2022
Publicaciones 2023
Publicaciones 2024
Cedenna Services
Technology and Innovation
Patente Alimentos
Patentes Medicina y Cosmética
Patentes Medio Ambiente
Otras Patentes
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Cedenna in the media
Nanonews magazine
Talks and seminars
National Video Contest Chilean Women in Sciences
Partners and Alliances