An intense day of training in nanoscience and nanotechnology was experienced this Thursday, October 13, by science teachers from different regions of the country who gathered at the largest research center in the area, CEDENNA (Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology), located in the Research Building of the USACH.
ProNano - in its 7th version - emerges as an instance of training in nanoscience and nanotechnology for high school teachers, in order to support them, providing them with knowledge and tools that allow them to effectively address their students, since these contents were incorporated in the Science Programs for 3rd and 4th grade and require further deepening.
The teachers participated throughout the morning in a series of talks given by researchers from the center, among them its director, Dr. Dora Altbir, winner of the National Exact Sciences Award. In this opportunity she pointed out that "this workshop allows us to fulfill our purpose as a scientific center, which is to do science and technology, training scientists in these areas, contributing to the training of teachers and students and making diffusion to contribute to the development of the country. For this it is essential that the new generations understand that these advances affect different areas such as medicine, food, climate change and mining".
Then, during the afternoon, they toured the different laboratories to see firsthand how nanoscience is worked in Chile, even participating in some experiments and developments with researchers from different areas (nanoparticle development, nanomedicine, nanosafety, packaging development with nanotechnology, electron microscopy, etc.).
For the execution of PronNano 2022 this year a collaborative work was carried out with the Explora Program of the Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation and the Municipality of Santiago. In this context, the Head of the Science and Society Division of the aforementioned portfolio, Sonia Perez, pointed out that this workshop is the result of an articulation and a collaborative network that is essential for the new generations to develop the science and technology skills that Chile needs.
Rodrigo Roco, in charge of the Education Department of the Municipality of Santiago, said that "the fundamental value of this activity for the teachers who are participating in it, is the recognition of their educational work, that they are carriers in this case of scientific thinking and the tools that science has and with that they are also carrying this frontier knowledge that is nanoscience and nanotechnology".Meanwhile, science professor Thiare Santana presented a didactic proposal to those present for the teaching of scientific subjects based on Steam and ABP. The objective is for the student to solve a problem of society, developing a sketch of a product that includes nanoparticles and/or nanomaterials, through classes and guides that connect with the world of students, in a playful and didactic way.
Second Nanoscience Education Workshop
In parallel to this activity, the apartment. of the USACH and CEDENNA Physics inaugurated the second workshop of Education Principles in Nanoscience for Teachers of Sciences and Mathematics, from Basic 7th to 4th Medium, in online asynchronous mode. An activity that contributes, like pronano, to the training of teachers. To perform the registration process they can do it through [email protected]
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